- 150g CMC Powder, Roughly 18g per liter of water
- 5-10g K-Lube for 8 liters
- 8L water
- paint or pigment to color
- Ready the CMC, k-lube, and pigment (if powdered) small dry container.
- Ready the hot water in the mixing container. If you are using paint for pigment, add it now.
- Start the mixer in the water before adding the CMC.
- Add the CMC at a rate where it does not fisheye.
- Mix throughly, this may take a lot of time depending on how thick you try to make it and the temperature of the water. Normally it takes 5 minutes of constant mixing.
- Let set for about 30 minutes, but you may not have to depending on the water temperature and thickness of the mix.
- CMC wants to “fisheye” where the agglomerates of partially hydrated CMC powder form around the remaining dry powder making it extremely difficult to fully hydrate the CMC. I found the fastest way to mix is to use an immersion blender to “chop” any fisheyes that may form.
- CMC is plant based and has a tendency to go bad very quickly. In my experience, I can leave it for about 1-2 days at most.
- CMC will set faster in hot water than cold. Keep this is mind if you are using very hot water.
- You can vary the mix from 12g/L to 30g/L and use more or less k-lube depending on what you would like for consistency. The more CMC powder you use the harder it will be to mix, the more k-lube you use, the stringier, and slippery it will be, but also it will be a lot harder/take more time to clean up.
- You can get hotspots in the gunge, be sure to test it with your hand before dumping it on someone.
- The K-Lube makes the gunge SLICK, be very careful cleaning up.
- This is safe for latex, but the pigment can stain, be careful depending on the color of your items.
Clean Up
The clean up is not horrible but you will need a lot of water to thin it out I have noticed that CMC likes to pull in more water over time so expect to need a lot of it to clean everything up. Be careful not to let it thicken in your drains.
Most of the time what I do is scrape off as much as I can into buckets. From there I get into the shower to clean myself, using a gift card to scrape off the slime while running it under water. After I get cleaned up I will thin out the slime in the shower keeping the watering flowing the whole time as I clean the buckets. After all the slime is washed down the drain I will keep the water running for about 5 minutes to ensure the drains are clear.