Clean Up and Disposal Tips

General Tips

  • Avoid multiple trips into and out of your slime area.
  • Have a towel near the mess area to clean off your feet as you make your way to your clean-up area. This will reduce the chance of slips
  • Having towels placed around your mess area makes it easy to catch bits of goo that end up on the ground. Indigo usually puts towels on top of a tarp lining the floor.
  • When putting towels in the washing machine, make sure they’re not too soaked through with slime. You can either run a smaller load with an extra rinse cycle or take the towels to the shower and rinse them off if this happens
  • If you can use a sprayer to clean off your buckets, use it! It breaks apart the slime much faster than using a faucet will.
  • If you have a garbage disposal, you can use it while running the faucet and dumping slime down the drain to speed up the cleanup process. The disposal should rip apart the slime strands, allowing it to drain easier.
  • Shower: have a loofa (scrubber), helps scrape the slime off (Horse squeegees/Sweat Scrapers are great for this)
  • Bring a friend who knows what they’re doing. Go over the cleanup plan before you start a session!
  • you can dump slime down the toilet but be a bit careful with this, as you should make sure its diluted with enough water to flow down. If you used something more solid, like a pie crust, either throw that away or flush it down the toilet.
  • If you are wearing latex socks, be very careful in the shower and try to take them off as soon as you can, they are going to be extremely slippery.
  • Wash clothes off as best as you can in the shower before putting them in the washing machine or aside for further cleaning (if wearing latex)

Tarps and Dust Sheets

Tarps make clean up very easy, though they come with problems of their own. Here are some of the things to look out for if you’re using protective sheeting

  • Use heavy duty sheeting, at least 2 mil or thicker, in areas that you will be sitting or standing in. Make sure that these tarps are adequately secured, either with tape or a heavy object.
  • If using plastic sheeting to protect an inflatable pool, use long pieces of tape to secure the tarp, running them under the pool if possible. Make sure the sheet isn’t too tightly fitted, otherwise you risk tearing a hole in it during your session. Sometimes it’s helpful to put a little bit of slime in the pool before you start, as it’ll weigh the sheet down before you start moving around.
  • Use light weight dust sheets to protect walls if needed. Don’t forget about the ceilings if you’re using something prone to splattering!
  • Cleaning out dust sheet-protected areas is easy. Scoop the goop into buckets using your preferred method and dispose of. Once the sheet is light enough to be picked up, simply pick it up and fold it in on itself to wrap up the remaining goo and put the tarp-ball into a trash bag.

Cleaning Aids

  • A removable showerhead is a must to get those hard-to-reach places and it makes cleaning out buckets a lot easier.
  • Rye recommends using a horse sweat scarper or something else while in the shower to break the surface tension of the goo and help remove it.
  • The puffy shower scrubber things work really well too for the same reason.


  • If you have a garbage disposal in your sink, you can use that to quickly tear the slime strands apart. Keep your faucet running and slowly dump the slime into the sink while the disposal is running. Make sure not to pour the goo in too quickly, you need to give it time to blend with the water.
  • If you don’t have a garbage disposal, you can basically do the same thing with your hand. In the sink or tub, slowly dump the goo in the running water and swirl it around with your hand. Make sure again to not pour too quickly, you need to mix it with the water to dilute it.
  • Always go slow, if you go too fast you will clog your drains, use more water than you may think you need to, and go slow.
  • Be aware of what else you dumped down the drain, if you poured some of the precursor chemicals in the drain and then you dump the goo, you may be making a huge lump of goo in the pipes.
  • If you are on septic and not sewer, you may want to find a way to dispose of it in the trash.